Index of the WIZARD, fkap Archive Files
- August 11, 1995 - existential blues - "If a web falls..."
- August 19, 1995 - existential blues - Southland in the Springtime
- September 1, 1995 - existential blues - "Greetings, Fellow Programs"
- September 7, 1995 - existential blues - Indigo.
- September 23, 1995 - existential blues - Art in the Fourth
- October 6, 1995 - existential blues - A Day in the Life of Cyberspace
- October 20, 1995 - existential blues - Digital City
- November 4, 1995 - existential blues - Zen and the Art of Money Management
- December 6, 1995 - existential blues - An Old Fashioned Christmas
- January 3, 1996 - existential blues - Sex on the Internet

- February 17, 1996 - existential blues - Virtual Reality, Really!
- March 21, 1996 - existential blues - GUEST ESSAY - "Standard Disclaimer"
- April 16, 1996 - existential blues - Nobody Invented Cyberspace
- June, 1996 - existential blues - The BIG War
- July, 1996 - existential blues - The HOOK
- September, 1996 - existential blues - 109 Seconds
- October, 1996 - existential blues - Magical Mystery Tour
- November, 1996 - existential blues - Investigating, Web Style
- February 1997 - existential blues - Surf's Up
- July, 1997 - existential blues - It's Time to Pay the Bill
- October, 1997 - existential blues - Discovering Things Everybody Else Knows
- September 15, 1999 - existential blues - Cracking Earth
- September 18, 1999 - Updated Report - Ford vs. Blue Oval News
- November 4, 1999 - COPA Hearings in Philadelphia
- November 17, 1999 - existential blues - Rocky Y2k - The Battle for CyberSpace
- December 4, 1999 - EDITORIAL - Mayor Rudy Giuliani Joins Fight to Save Virgin Mary Portrait
- December 10, 1999 - Harvard Professor Proposes and Alternative to COPA
- December 10, 1999 - Cybersquatting Bill Threatens FREE SPEECH and Small Internet Webmasters
- December 22, 1999 - Ninth Circuit Court Defends Virtual Free Speech
- January 10, 2000 - Linking to Copyright Material Ruled Illegal - Utah Assault on Internet Basics
- January 13, 2000 - Proposed Federal Election Regulations Could Strangle Political Speech for Individuals
- January 13, 2000 - George Bush uses FEC Regs to Attack Parody Site
- January 16, 2000 - "Unusually graphic and explicit sex..."
- February 2, 2000 - "Coca Cola Attcks On-Line Fan Site"
- March 7, 2000 - FOX tries to Slay "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Fans
- March 22, 2000 - existential blues - Good vs. Evil - The On-line battle over Dr. Laura
- April 5, 2000 - Copyright Laws vs. Hollywood Paranoia An Overview of the complete Hollywood Assault on Copying
- April 22, 2000 - Band versus Fans - All Time Tag Team Match makes Westlemania look Tame! Music Industry Takes on MP3
- April 26, 2000 - Sites Drop Kids to Comply With COPPA
- May 2, 2000 - RIAA Wins Round One Against mp3.com
- May 5, 2000 - Geraldo Rivera Covers the Napster Court Fight
- May 9, 2000 - RIAA'S Lawyers Draw First Blood From Napster
- May 11, 2000 - Metallica Forces Napster to Block 317,377 Users from Service
- May 11, 2000 - mp3.com Backs Down in Face of RIAA Lawsuit
- May 22, 2000 - Cable Restrictions Struck Down - Supreme Court Sides with Playboy
- May 23, 2000 - NAPSTER UPDATE: Howard King's Mission Impossible
- May 24, 2000 - Clinton's Think Tank Given Role in Napster Hearings
- May 26, 2000 - existential blues - If Lars Ulrich Had Founded America
- June 11, 2000 - mp3.com Settles with Warner and BMG
- June 20, 2000 - The Atomic Music Bomb
- June 26, 2000 - Pornography Filter Software Doesn't Work
- July 5, 2000 - Town Takes on the Federal Government.... Through the Internet
- July 22, 2000 - scour.net is Sued by MPSS, RIAA and Others.... in spite of Founder Ovitz
- July 24, 2000 - Future of mp3.com Looks Bleak, Robertson asks Netizens for Aid
- July 27, 2000 - The RIAA Empire Strikes Back
- July 28, 2000 - Napster Gets a Stay of Exicution
- August 9, 2000 - MPAA Sues CopyLeft Over Tee Shirt
- August 15, 2000 - WEB SITE REVIEW Name Your Baby IUMA and Win $5,000.00
- August 15, 2000 - Prince: The Artist and Internet Visionary
- August 24, 2000 - Legal Assault on Internet Freedom to Link
- September 6, 2000 - Judge Rules against My.mp3.com
- September 19, 2000 - Police Raid Oklahoma State University student to stop mp3 trading
- October 8, 2000 - Eight Congressmen Fight For Digital Rights
- October 10, 2000 - The Coming Extinction of "Fair Use" and "Free Speech"
- November 1, 2000 - REVIEW - Dar Williams - Mortal City
- November 1, 2000 - Bertelsmann & Napster Settle, Companies to Form Joint Venture
- November 9, 2000 - The SDMI Hacker's Challenge - Who Broke the Code?
- November 10, 2000 - existential blues - Our Choice for President
- November 15, 2000 - Universal Settles with mp3.com
- December 5, 2000 - The Gift of the Magi Revisited - mp3.com gets their wish
- December 10, 2000 - Child Internet Protection Act Becomes Law
- January 1, 2001 - BOOK REVIEW - More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott
- January 5, 2001 - SITE REVIEW - Napigator
- January 25, 2001 - existential blues - Science Can't Keep Up
- January 26, 2001 - TVT Records Settles with Napster
- February 10, 2001 - SITE REVIEW - IUMA Faces Funding Loss
- February 13, 2001 - The Party's Over: 9th Citcuit Court Rules Against Napster
- March 2, 2001 - Napster in a Three Way Fight for it's Life - It's Biggest Enemy May be it's Fans
- March 2, 2001 - SOFTWARE REVIEW - BEAR SHARE - A User Friendly Way to Join the Gnutella Revolution
- March 10, 2001 - Pornography Good - Napster Bad?
- March 24, 2001 - SITE REVIEW - IUMA Saved! Vitiminic Raised IUMA from the Dead
- March 25, 2001 - Music Industry Tracking Individual Users
- April 11, 2001 - Judge Patel Flames Napster - Threatens Shutdown
- May 17, 2001 - Charlie Pride Issues Copy Protected CD
- May 21, 2001 - Vivendi Universal SA Acquires Mp3.com
- June 15, 2001 - Lawrence Lessig Joins Fight Against Record Companies
- July 5, 2001 - The Legendary Napster Service Shuts Down - While AIMSTER is Under Assault
- July 14, 2001 - Metallica Settles Lawsuit with Now Dead Napster
- July 18, 2001 - Appeals Court Rules in Napster's Favor - Limited File Trading Can Resume
- July 24, 2001 - Hank Berry Ousted as Napster CEO
- July 25, 2001 - existential blues - The Tragic Case of Dmitry Sklyarov
- August 3, 2001 - Rep. Rick Boucher Introduces Bill to Amend Digital Millenium Copyright Act
- August 3, 2001 - Efforts Continue to Win Release for Dmitry Sklyarov
- August 10, 2001 - existential blues - Guest Essay - The Future of Digital Music
- September 13, 2001 - Federal Government Pushes Carnivore After Terrorist Attacks
- September 25, 2001 - Freedom of Speech is Sacrificed in War Against Terrorism
- October 7, 2001 - existential blues - "YOU Are the Terrorist"
- April 6, 2002 - existential blues - "They Said It.... But Is Anyone Listening?"
- April 16, 2002 - "Chairman Fritz" Proposes State Controlled Digital Media
- June 10, 2002 - Federal Court Rules Library Filtering Mandate Unconstitutional
- June 20, 2002 - The Bizarre Position of National Public Radio on Linking
- June 20, 2002 - Congressmen Inslee and Boucher Weigh Internet Radio Legislation
- August 16, 2002 - Grammy Award Winning Janis Ian Takes on Music Industry over P2P
- September 4, 2002 - Federal Judge Orders Napster Shuttered - Blocks Sale to Bertelsmann AG
- September 20, 2002 - Bon Jovi Tries Innovative Approach to CD Piracy
- September 28, 2002 - Bill Introduced in the House to Delay Internet Radio Royalties
- October 6, 2002 - EDITORIAL - AFL-CIO and Efforts to Destroy Internet Radio
- October 26, 2002 - Federal Judge Stays Napsters Execution, Allows Temporary Loan
- December 8, 2002 - ROXIO Buys Napster - Hard Assets to be Auctioned December 11, 2002
- January 23, 2003 - Hilary Rosen Announces Resignation at End of 2003
- January 30, 2004 - RIAA Sponsors Convicted Music Downloaders in Super Bowl Ad...