A User Friendly Way to Join the Gnutella Revolution
March 2, 2001
Everybody has heard of Gnutella. It's the supposedly invincible alternative to Napster. Because there is no central company, no central computer, it's supposed to be difficult to stop.
But, you've probably also heard it's quirky, difficult and slow. So you've never tried it. But now, with Napster on death's door, you feel the need to find an alternative. Great News! BearShare is an exciting new Windows file sharing program from Free Peers, Inc. that lets everyone in the world share files! BearShare makes Gnutella easy and "almost Napster-like!" It's slick windows based interface almost looks like Napster.
We tested BearShare and it worked well. It is very slow (compared with Napster), but if you need to share files, it will fill your needs.
The big question about Gnutella is "Can it stand up to the volume demands once Napster closes?" We're about to find out.