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![]() Visit Other Personal Home Pages at random throughout the World Wide Web by clicking on the ARROWS to the left or right of the railroad track above. The links are reorganized and randomized daily. Click on the middle of the railroad track to visit THE RAIL train yard to learn more about THE RAIL and to register your personal site in this very special database. If you find a great Personal Page, be sure to nominate it to join the Personal Page Hall of Fame
Personal Homepage HALL OF FAMEHere are the "WINNERS" selected as the Personal Page Hall of Fame on the WIZARD, fkap. Each is the unique work of a talented programmer/publisher. It is the talented individual contributors like the ones featured here that make the World Wide Web the vibrant, dynamic force that it is today. Nominate your favorite Page NOW! |
Our Latest Winner!A Page from the Heart![]() Printz Home PageIt is really hard to say enough good things about Doug and Linda Printz' home page. It has all the characteristics the Wizard team looks for in a winning Home Page. It's personal, informative, newsy, fun, well written and well coded in HTML using reasonable technology. But that just doesn't say quite enough. This home page set is also a labor of love for Doug and Linda. It is a moving tribute to their son Kevin and grandson Forrest, who both died tragically within a few months of each other. The special sections for their son and grandson are beautifully written and, in our opinion, inspirational. But please don't think for a minute that the page set is depressing or simply a memorial. The news is literally up-to-the-minute. And there is a wealth of material covered. Plus they have a nice assortment of links. Based on what the Printz's have chosen to share with us on-line, they have a full, fun and active life. And they are really great folks! I suggest you drop by the Printz Home Page and say hello. |
You're Always A Winner with a Gift From![]() |
Previous Winners!
We've watched the page grow and change over the last several months and have been impressed by Scott's candor and the depth of his page. His links are varied and several are many are humorous. But many are useful and quite unique. The diversity of the web is found on this page.
Lisa and Ron's Virtual Home![]()
Lisa and Ron have moved AGAIN to a new larger server, but have continued with the "Home" motif for their home page. Their newest addition is a Computer Room This 'room' has more links to Graphic Sites and web resources for the home page builder tyhan I've even seen in one place before!! The entire house is bigger and better than ever. While some of our previous winners have closed up their pages, it's great to see one couple who have really enlarged and improved their award winning effort!
Toru and Shigeko Sato - Welcome to Sugamo Linc/Nexus![]() The Wizard knows one thing for sure - it's unfair to have this much fun doing a job. The highlight of my monthly publishing/editorial task is visiting the hundreds of Personal Pages I find in preparation for selecting the PERSONAL PAGE OF THE MONTH for the HALL OF FAME. We narrowed this months search down to six finalists (it wouldn't be fair to mention them - besides one might win next month), and I revisited them all this evening. A tough choice. Want to know what tipped the scales: Toru and Shigeko have audio files of their cat Lisa singing along with them! It is an absolute delight! And it is a delight to get to know this wonderful couple from Tokyo. They are both on staff at NeXus in Japan. And they also have a home page set in Japanese, but the pages linked here are in English. Much of the page set revolves around their work and they are very involved. But included in the homepage set are wedding and vacation pictures.
Like Melanie Ganson's Page last month, their cat Lisa maintains her own home page and includes pictures of her cat brother Michael (I still can't train Tuxedo, our cat, to work on his page) . No, you do not have to own a cat to be selected as the Personal Page of the Month Winner (but it does seem to help). Melanie Ganson's Home PageThis Page is No Longer Available On-Line![]()
However, our selection this month is a warm, funny, bright young lady who has built a very personal set of pages that really allow you to get to know her. We spent over an hour reviewing her page set and we really like her. Now we want to also give credit to her husband Jeff, who has also built a fine set of pages which are part of the world into which Melanie brings us. Jeff's pages are Netscape enhanced. But Melanie includes pages about her wedding (with great pictures!) and a link to a hugh recipe collection. And last, but certainly not least, is a link to her cat Jerry's Homepage. Jerry's page is terrific too, with pictures and lots of links. You know, we just can't get our cat, Tuxedo, to sit down and work on his page. I wonder how Melanie did it? Please stop by to visit and make a new friend.
Abigail's Home PageThis Page is No Longer Available On-Line How is it that the most tasteful and artistic home page set we've found is authored by an Archaeology graduate? Abigail Marie Larsen graduated from Bryn Mawr College in 1994. Luckily for us she now works for Teleport Internet Services and has designed a wonderful home page. While her home page covers all the basics - family, hobbies, boyfriend and pets and a clever complete "non-resume" - the centerpiece of her pages is an eclectic, beautifully presented art collection. She includes a wide range of styles from nouveau to art deco to pre-Raphaelite to comic books. The presentation is tempting and draws you deeper into the work. Documentation is very good also. Please stop by and enjoy her show! Steve Allen's "Musical" Homeboy PageNew, Fresh & Up-to-date as of 7/99! How about a fun musical side trip to brighten your day? Just click on this link and go to Steve Allen's world. NOT the Steve Allen of stage, screen and Audrey Meadows fame, but a sensationally talented musician who includes many of his compositions on the web. If you have Microsoft Internet Explorer software, the music greets you the moment you sign on. Steve has also included a separate "Composer's Exchange" as part of his web: musicians can submit compositions and, if they're good, have them included on his "Exchange." The programming is very good and the pages are well written. You're going to like Steve a lot! Listen to him today. ED'S PAGE!!Updated Review as of 7/99!! Welcome to ED'S WORLD!! Ed is now a junior at NC State who is majoring in zoology/pre-med. His site has fallen a bit into disrepair, but I'm sure medicine preparation is taking up most of his time. He is originally from Berlin, NJ and loves hockey, especially the Philadelphia Flyers!! Ed is very willing to share a lot of himself on his page. He has spiced his page with dozens of links of all types and varieties. And there are photos and artwork galore! His pages is clean, readable and fun. You're going to really enjoy getting to know ED! THE CURB - Home Page of Kirby WintersThis Page is No Longer Available On-LineWe debated a long time about this choice because this site cannot be visited without Netscape 2.0. You're gonna have to download it to see this home page. But once you do you're going to see a whole new way to view a page. This IS where web-browsing is going and Kirby deserves credit for doing this kind of extraordinary work on a personal page. You'll also learn a little about Kirby, read his girlfriend's poems and see his artwork. UPDATE - March 1996 - Kirby has added a non-Netscape version of his page at the same URL for all his other friends and visitors.
Castle Wynter HavenNew, Fresh & Up-to-date as of 7/99! "Know all ye who enter our realm that thou art welcome in Castle Wynter Haven. We are at thy service." This message greats you when you first link to Castle Wynter Haven and it sets the tone for your entire visit. Yet this is a true Home Page. You'll learn all about Brad and Cara and you'll be introduced to "The Society for Creative Anachronism." There are dozens of unique links here, too. All in all, Castle Wynter Haven is a delightful Place. UPDATE - July 1996 - Wonderful new improvements in the realm! A new Update for NETSCAPE 2.0 is now in place. It's good to see people who can about the art of web-spinning. Darren Lee's Cozy Wee Home PageThis Page is No Longer Available On-LineNow we move to the opposite end of the cyber spectrum from Sergio Paoli Home Page to Darren Lee's appropriately named Wee Home Page. It's short and unpretentious and fun to visit. Meet Darren and his friends over in the UK. I just love the accent. Link in and see what I mean.
Sergio Paoli Home PageNew, Fresh & Up-to-date as of 7/99! It is tough choosing the monthly inductee into the Personal Home Page Hall of Fame. And it is really a personal decision, based on 1.) the creativity of the individual and his or her ability to translate that creativity into great programming AND 2.) the insight we gain into the person - how much if him/herself is shared in the page. Since I started this endeavor, I knew Sergio Paoli was the hallmark I could use on both counts. Sergio Alejandro Paoli is a student and a professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in La Plata Argentina. He has a masters degree in Astronomy. He is a brilliant HTML programmer and also maintains the WWW Virtual Astronomy Library. Spend a lot of time with Sergio and be prepared to be amazed. The Dagobah System, Homepage of Michael BaltazarThis Page is No Longer Available On-LineHere's another brilliant, talented college student who has built a web universe of well designed, beautifully documented web pages. Michael's are more revealing, but less introspective than Heather Rose's. Michael is from the Philippines and it turns out the Phoebe Cates is half Philippino... explore Michael's page to find out more... Heather Rose's WWW ChamberThis Page is No Longer Available On-LineHeather Rose has graduated from Rice University. Here is a synopsis of our original review:
![]() AliceM's Totally Useless Home PageUPDATE - July, 1999 It's been over 4 years since Alice M was selected as our first inductee into the Hall of Fame. And while a few of our inductees have dropped off the net and some others have completely changed their site's content, format and even URL, Alice's home remains friendly, familiar and fun. But it has evolved substantially since the summer of 1995, following Alice's own interests in the Internet.
Today, in addition to providing an introduction to Alice and her family (daughter Leigh drew the picture above), Alice provides "leading edge" information on Internet Communication. By her own words Alice admits, "my Internet providers love the amount of time I spend on-line." |