Where do the rights to Freedom of Speech end? O.K., we know about yelling "FIRE!!" in a crowded theater. But aside from that obvious extreme, is it possible to cross the line, to take Free Speech too far? Is it possible to take the defense of Freedom of Speech too far? Gay activists are using the Internet to wage a protest campaign against radio talk host Dr. Laura Schlessinger and especially against Paramount Television, which plans to produce a TV show featuring the very popular Dr. Laura. The gay community has a very legitimate fight with Dr. Laura, who has said that homosexuality is "destructive" and constitutes "sexually deviant behavior." But do they have a legitimate complaint against Paramount? "It's a matter of corporate responsibility not to promote hate or hateful speech," said television producer Robin Tyler, a member of the Stop Dr. Laura coalition, which wants to squash Paramount's plans for the show, due to air in the fall. We beg your pardon, Mr. Tyler, but the WIZARD,fkap is the Miss Manners of Free Speech. We are the ultimate arbiter on questions of Freedom of Speech. O.K., let's set a few guidelines. First, the Stop Dr. Laura coalition against hate has every right to publish it's web site and to make every statement, comment, quote and opinion included therein. It is brilliantly done: easy to navigate, contains excellent graphics, it is well written and well executed. Of course, it would still retain it's right to exist if it were poorly done, misspelled, contained multiple broken links and was dumb and ugly. But, as you will see below, the WIZARD,fkap is on Dr. Laura's and Paramount's side in this dispute. That's right! the WIZARD,fkap ! Our ongoing battle with the Paramount is famous. In spite of Paramount's stupid, despicable, inexcusable, wrong headed battle to stop the free speech of it's most loyal fans and supporters, the WIZARD,fkap is on Paramount's side. Well, not in spite of, but actually because of Paramount's attitudes and actions. My very serious complaint with the Stop Dr. Laura coalition is that they want to shut down her proposed television series. This position is not different from Paramount's attempt to close down fan's web sites. It is not different from the Christian Coalition's attempt to cancel television series,like ELLEN, that they oppose. It is not different from efforts to keep art work off display in museums. It is not different form ongoing attempts to shut down Gay and Lesbian web sites. It simply is not different from book burning or library censorship. The Stop Dr. Laura coalition argues that it is different because she already has a huge radio talk show. Since her views are already available, keeping her off television hurts no one. Of course they don't want her on television because millions of new, impressionable viewers will be warped by her conservative views and comments. Come on folks, this is the ULTIMATE hypocrisy. The ultimate double speak. George Orwell would be proud. This is like saying "let's ban sale of the Bible from all book stores because you can find one in most hotel rooms and many churches." When you take away any legitimate forum, you are censoring speech. So what is the WIZARD,fkap's FREE SPEECH ruling?
the WIZARD,fkap will fight for you when your rights come under attack. Keep the bottle in front of you....
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